Thursday, June 17, 2010

maternity leave.

A typical day in the Smith house. Tucker sleeping and Colin eating, pooping and napping. I can't believe Colin is already 2 months old and I only have another 4 weeks of leave. While the mornings come way too quick and I always beg for just "one more hour" of sleep I have so much fun with my pumpkin during the day. I just adore him and love being around to see the changes day by day.

Some fun facts about our man:

*He smiles at the sound of my voice. I love it. Absolutely love it.

*He is cooing tons and starting to do high pitched coo's when he gets excited.

*Before he gets upset he gets this adorable frown on his face... ill have to see if I can capture it. It's too precious... actually that is the first face he showed when he was born. I think it's going to stick around.

*He loves to be swaddled.

*He hates tummy time- I'm working on it.

*He is loosing his hair and its coming back a bit lighter.

*When he has a clean diaper and is full- he is seriously one happy baby.

*He loves his bath. Justin has been doing these lately and I think it's such a sweet time for them to get to spend together. I think the bath water is just so soothing for him.. he loves it.

*He can hold his head up longer and longer each day.

* Colin is weighing in at 15 lbs 10 oz. He is larger than 99% of babies his age! Everywhere we go people are just amazed that Colin is only 2 months. We aren't sure where he came from but are pretty sure he is going to resemble Justin's brother- Will :)

I could go on forever about Colin... i will be sure to share more updates at his 3 mo. mark!

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