Sunday, February 26, 2012


We are always busy around here but I have loved everything about these two ages... Colin is almost 2 and he does things to make us laugh every single day. Evan is such a sweet baby and I love being able to just hold him without him being able to go anywhere. It's such a short window the baby stage.

A few updates:

- I go back to work in a month which is going to be so hard leaving both of them but I know Justin and I have picked out the best care for the boys. Colin loves his school and friends.
- Speaking of "school" Colin is moving up to the two's classroom and will be doing pre-school activities and he adores all his friends. Each day he says "bye bye" to them individually. It's adorable.
- Evan is seriously so relaxed. He is in the smiling stage and recognizing voices. It is so much fun to watch how just a few weeks can change drastically.
- Evan is sleeping in his crib very well!
- Colin is still sleeping in his crib. Im terrified to change him to a toddler bed. He seems to love his crib.
- Speaking of change, no we havent even attempted potty training.
- Justin is working lots of hours at work lately and was on travel for a week. During that week Colin got pink eye and it was a hard week to say the least.
- Colin has developed hilarious habits.. he tells both Justin and I to sit down. If he's playing with toys it's "down". If he is eating we both have to sit in our chairs. Evan is known as "baby" or sometimes "Brielle"- never Evan. I love listening to Colin say "hewo" on the phone. When the weather man comes on TV he says "snow". Every color is "bue". He plays hide and seek but always shows you where he is hiding. He carries around my iphone and dances to all my music. I love Colin's crazy personality.

I can't believe Colin will be two here in a month and Evan is growing like a weed! Life is seriously hectic but when I have a moment to myself I miss the craziness.

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