Monday, April 15, 2013

colin three!

This child will grab a room's attention in more ways than one. I know with certainty that he will give me many difficult roads ahead, that he will be a class clown when he gets older, he will not let anyone sit him on the sideline, he will make sure everyone knows when they are right or wrong, he will have a really deep connection with his brother for all their lives and he is going to treat the ladies like he does his mom. he's only three but i know like a mom just knows.
Colin is running from one thing to another, he's not the best at playing by himself but secretly how could you not join a ridiculously sweet voice asking "daddy you play hockey with me". Melts my heart. He remembers things even when you think he's too busy to notice. He tries to talk to Evan when he is upset and offers him suggestions "evan you want mom to get your paci", "here evan come play with me, it's ok". Sweetest. But truth be told this child throws a really really good tantrum. He's also really great at pretend throwing up. He is mr. personality and he knows it.
I can't believe it's been three years. We've battled our difficult days of the terrible threes already but I am really enjoying his age and hearing all the things he has had stuck inside his head verbalized. I love his little voice, his kissable cheeks and when he makes facial expressions I see both his dad and I in.
A very special happy birthday to the little man who always keeps us on our toes and always always laughing. I love you so :)

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