Thursday, December 2, 2010

soap box.

I dont usually like to write long posts but I was talking to a very good friend of mine and I feel other moms need to be reminded from time to time of what a great job YOU are doing.

Being a mom is hard, exhausting, leads you to ask youself if you have another hour left in you. But it also comes with the largest rewards. I have never felt so blessed as I do now in my life. I mean look at this man we brought to life...

Colin went through a very fussy stage and at times is still very fussy. He would cry for two hours straight when we got home at night. This last about a month and only 2 things worked: bjorn and airplane rides. We. were. exhausted.

I receieved an email from a good friend and a very wise mom:

No one is really a super mom. Everyone wants to make it sound like it's Disney... it's hard- seriously. But it's the kind of hard that gives you amazing returns.. .the smiles, the hugs, sparkling eyes, sounds and the talking back!

I sometimes just go back and read that when I am having a hard day or think I am not doing a good job. Justin and I about 2 weeks ago were still getting up in the middle of the night making bottles, shh shhh shhhhing Colin and rubbing his back. Again we.were.exhausted. Then one night we finally decided we should let him cry it out. Awful. Again I had to go back and read those words. I can now tell you that after 2 nights of 20 minute crying spells he sleeps from 8 PM- 6AM. Heaven.. dare I say "Disney"?


The Freeman Family said...

Katie! You are doing a great job! Motherhood is simply no joke. It's constant and it's hard...really hard. Thanks for posting this quote from one of your friends. I may post it on our fridge. Lots of Love!

P.S. Eli has now decided to get up for the day (happy as a clam) between 5:00 and 5:45 for the last 3-4 weeks. What. Am. I. Going. To. Do...this too shall pass...this too shall pass!

Mary said...

You ARE doing a great job. Crying it out does NOT mean you are a bad parent. It truly helps a child learn to soothe themselves to sleep. At his age, you are right on track with starting that. I'm glad it worked so fast for you too. We also went through a "bjorn" stage but much earlier with Noah. They are constantly changing and just when you think they'll sleep, you'll get another 2 weeks of having to get up in the middle of the night perhaps for teething. But man, what a wonderful thing to get up in the middle of the night for :)

Katie Smith said...

Thanks ladies! :) us with our boys!